Start with this:

 forester before

Minus all this:


Plus this:

 coffin-sized pallet and box new bullbar and sumpguard

Gives this:

 new snout sideways new snout mostly done new snout mostly done forester after

It's somewhat obvious that I have spent a bit of money at subaXtreme, isn't it.

Weird coincidence: just a few days before the coffi^Wpallet arrived a total bimbo bumped into my car: I was waiting behind her in a right-turn lane, she committed to turning, successfully crossed the two lanes of oncoming traffic - and then suddenly decided, for no good reason whatsoever, to reverse back across those lanes...all the way into my bumper - thunk.

I guess the new bar will be pretty good not just for the silly roos but also for brainless suburban bimbos.

[ published on Wed 28.05.2014 23:56 | filed in interests/au | ]

It's pretty obvious that 15.875mm is more than 11.1125mm. It's certainly not immediately obvious that 5/8" is more than 7/16".

(and by immediate I mean "at a glance, without mental effort".)

[ published on Wed 28.05.2014 19:41 | filed in interests/au | ]

A few weeks ago I was wearing my Nirvana shirt (x-eyed smiley on the front, "flower sniffin, kitty pettin, baby kissin, corporate rock whores" on the back) and waited in the queue at the supermarket.

A woman behind me asked me what kind of company I work for: she had read the t-shirt text and thought it might involve gardening or rock walls...

[ published on Tue 27.05.2014 09:44 | filed in interests/humour | ]

nachdem jetzt langsam österreich nimmer andauernd mit The Sound of Music (falsch)verbunden wird, werdens wohl beim thema österreich jetzt für die nächsten 50 jahre mit dem komischen würschtl daherkommen. wunderbar.

[ published on Sun 11.05.2014 18:28 | filed in interests/anti | ]

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