why? well, i've just rebuilt my blog engine to
use markdown instead of
raw html and homegrown hacks. (i had to rework surprisingly few articles,
and grep
, xargs
and of course perl
took care of that pretty quickly
what, you thought i meant having tw*itter, freakbook, gargle and sundry 'social' garbage buttons on my site? YGTBK: in my book all that stuff belongs to the category 'naughties' and i'm not naughty.
Update (Mon 10.03.2014 20:55):
another evolutionary change:
i've just finished the rebuil the site's engine using mojolicious instead of HTML::Mason 1.x.
i did it mostly for the fun of it, partially because i needed more mojo mojo for work anyway, and last but not least because HTML::Mason and mod_perl2 are somewhat uneasy neighbours.