The easter weekend was nice, but not too good for flying at Killarney.

Still I got some flying in, with an 11km two-leg flight finally getting me over the 90hr mark. The image is what Compegps cooks up with the freely available NASA Landsat Images (with a nice resolution of 28m/pixel).


We launched at the eastern launch, LEE1000, but it was rough and ugly and I decided to fly into town to land there. The blob right of T16-53 is most of Killarney town, and there the thermals were a lot nicer - so I couldn't resist going on. Unfortunately cloud overdevelopment and storms brewing quickly made it a Good Idea to land soon, which I did close to Tanymorel. Ivan got a bit further to Emuvale, but that was about it.

This is how the air looked like after landing, looking back towards launch. Not really problematic you'd say.


The same spot, but looking in the other direction. That is about 20 minutes after I landed. And good that I did.


The other days of the weekend were worse, but we still had a fair bit of fun (camping and drinking beer does that to you...)

Today good and bad balanced rather evenly: Worked on the outside of the house, ran out of paver blocks just before finishing. Bad.

Then I was overcharged $15 for petrol (the receipt stated two quantities of juice gotten from two different pumps) and I spotted that only hours later. Bad. Complained, got my money back. Good.

Talked to Anitta, she has some more pavers left over for me. Good.

Then I went to Ikea, for table legs and a new work lamp. The "table top" I got from Bunnings: a $29 internal door, 204x77cm, beats all the expensive other table tops easiliy (apart from the lack of structural strength, which I'll augment with a wooden slat underneath RSN). Good.

I rummaged through things, moving the old "temporary" table (hah! almost four years) to the extra room and set things up for the new big table. Forgot that the battery in the lapdog is only good for about 4 minutes anymore, and disconnected the AC adapter to move things around. Lapdog crashed. Bad.

Afterwards doing some stuff on the legacy W98 partition. Which goes plop and ceases to contain anything useful in a big puff of meta-smoke. Bad. But I've got a level 0 dump of everything except the games directory of yesterday. Good.

Time for bed I think - before more stuff breaks...

[ published on Fri 01.04.2005 21:00 | filed in still-not-king | ]
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© Alexander Zangerl